Who would be the first point of contact if I want to discuss something?
This depends entirely on the nature of your concern. If it is a learning need, you may wish to contact the SENDCo or your child’s Head of Year. If the concern is more of a pastoral matter you would contact your child’s Pastoral Leader. Contact information for key staff can be found on our Contact page.
Who else has a role in my child’s education?
This is dependent on your child’s needs; the people involved may include:
- The Well Being Team
- Mentors
- External Professionals
- The Learner Support Team
- Faculty Teaching Assistants
- The Additional Needs Team
Who can I talk to if I am worried?
Again, this is dependent on the nature of your worry. All of our staff will listen to your concerns and take appropriate action. We encourage parents to make contact with the school and you may consider contacting the following staff:
- Form Tutor
- Progress Leader
- Pastoral Leader
Any of these people will advise you and put you in contact with the relevant support.
Who should I contact if I am considering whether my child should join your school?
If your child has a special educational need you should contact the SENDCo, Susy Ingle and make an appointment to visit our school. We actively encourage visits from prospective parents and their children.
If you are unsure of your child’s need please make contact with the school’s General Office and they will help you contact the relevant person to help you.
Who is the SEND Coordinator and how can I contact them?
The SENDCo at Batley Girls’ High School is Susy Ingle
You can contact her by calling the main school office on 01924 350080.
Alternatively you can email her directly on single@batleygirls.co.uk
What other services might help me and provide information and advice?
At Batley Girls’ High School we have an extensive well being team including counsellors, social workers and health care professionals. These can be contacted via the main school reception desk. Alternatively you may get advice and guidance from your GP and the Kirklees local offer: