Please find our core policies below. Copies of school policies not linked below are available on request.
To find out more about the school’s admission arrangements please visit Kirklees Website
For the 2024/25 sixth form admissions policy please visit our BG6 college partner site.
Batley Girls' High School 16-19 Tuition Fund Statement
We will use reports from our MI system to identify students who are eligible for support, using the criteria set by the ESFA. We will review at a subject level those students whose progress has been impacted by the effects of the pandemic. We will consider at a subject level how best to deliver a small group or 1 to 1 additional support in line with student needs and available resources. We will deliver the Tuition fund small group learning using a variety of options depending on availability of resources. This will be through a combination of use of existing teaching staff to deliver additional support and additional tuition staff recruited to deliver additional support. In addition to in-school delivery we will also use online tuition resources and blended learning to deliver additional support.
Trust SEMH Intent Statement
We have a Trust Social Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) Statement that you can view on our Trust website here: Trust Policies